Friday, February 20, 2015

On Camera I - Spring

I am hoping to add a daytime scene study class to the schedule this round.

**On Camera Acting I - 7 weeks (Limited to 10 actors).
Dates: March 12th - May 14th (Taking a three week break from April 9th - 23rd)
Time: Thursdays 6:30pm - 9:30pm
The cost is $220 - A $50 dollar deposit holds a spot. The balance is due by the second class.
Beginning with improv and easing into scripted scene work, this is a relaxed,
fun approach to getting comfortable in front of the camera. 
The objective of the class is to establish the foundations of a process that emphasizes
simply listening and talking - being "in your skin" - as opposed to in your head. 
This is a great transitional class for theatre actors and an excellent foundational class for new actors
All work is filmed, reviewed and discussed.

1 comment:

  1. Something that makes a good actor great is improvising in character. There have been times in movies where things happen that were not scripted and it comes out better than if they actors followed the script. Now I'm not saying this should be done all the time, just that great actors can make the best out of any situation they are put in.
