Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Classes Starting Soon

I am offering two four week courses starting soon.
Auditioning and Career Building - for actors serious about moving forward in the business of acting - Tuesday nights at 6:30pm starting the 16th of November. This class was so successful that the previous group has opted to continue meeting and going forward with the work we started. Ask and I can put you n touch with previous students with their feedback.

On Wednesday the 17th, I will be teaching Introduction to on Camera. For that class, we will not meet the week of Thanksgiving.Details Below 

Auditioning and Career Building (4 Weeks)
For actors serious about moving their business forward. Auditioning consistently well is the key to becoming a working actor. Since there is nothing like practice--aside from learning the techniques that will enable them to be consistent--students will be practicing auditioning/interviewing in each class. However, getting work as an actor involves more than just auditioning, so students will also be learning and practicing the tools needed to get them those auditions. The class will be looking at: career objectives and strategy, knowing their selling points, pictures and resumes and reels, networking, keeping up with contacts, getting an agent, appearance, etc.

A note: All classes will take a close look at “under five” auditions--due to the current need in Portland for actors capable of “nailing” the smaller roles in TV and film.

Introduction to On Camera (4 weeks)
This is a no nonsense approach to acting on camera. So much of what I needed to know before I began auditioning, I learned while doing. How much more work might I have gotten had I had a class like this before I started?--explaining in simple terms the dos and never ever dos of film and TV acting. We will spend time discussing acting approaches, but much of the work will be focused on the plain and simple techniques of successful on camera work. And as much time as possible will be spent in front of the camera--giving you the much needed experience that will give you a confidence in moving further on in the craft.

Auditioning and Career Building
8 students maximum
Nov 16 - Dec 7
Vanport Square--North Building
5257 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.
(N. of Alberta) 97211 (3rd Floor)
Cost: $135 ($125 PATA members)
Contact: Ted Rooney via e-mail:

Intro On Camera
8 students maximum
Nov 17, Dec 1, 8, 15
Vanport Square--North Building
5257 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.
(N. of Alberta) 97211 (3rd Floor)
Cost: $130 ($120 PATA members)
Contact: Ted Rooney via e-mail:

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